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The Inaugural Logjam Invitational 2015

The Logjam is not a contest.

The script starts at an iconic beach on the Southern tip of Africa, with a diverse line-up of wave-sliders and surf bandits having a little surf-off in celebration of single-fin logriding, going full circleback to where it all began.

The invitees span 3 generations of Saffa surf-riders, bridging race & gender, old-school to no school, uniting in an appreciation of style, stoke & fun in the sun.

The event has no entry fee, no scores, no stress.
Local surfer-run businesses dug the vibe and organised food, drink, accommodation & gear, with some nifty prizes coming down from up the coast.

The grandprize is a 9’6 wooden log, hand-crafted by Bill Bulgen of Woodpecker Natural Surfboards using 100% african timber. The Log is a floating trophy, the winner earning the right to surf her for a year then returning to the next Logjam to pass forward.

The event format is simple. 4 Acts and a Finale. Judged by your peers. Timed nose-rides & individual moments of brilliance are rewarded, peoples favourite in each Act go through to the Finale, where the Logjam title will be decided.